Note Categories

Explore perfume notes by their category

In this section, you only need to select any of the note categories. You will be presented with information about that category, and perfume notes will be displayed as well. Of course, if you wish to explore more than a few notes, feel free to click the 'Load More' button, and additional perfume notes will be brought to you. The perfume note list is randomly populated, so you would get the chance to experience different scents every time. Of course, you can get to the page dedicated to any note and then find your top perfumes that smell like this perfume note. We are certain that you will enjoy playing around with this page and its features.


Fruity perfumes go hand in hand with the gourmand ones – they both had their boom in the 1990s perfume industry with the advances of synthetic chemistry, and both, when worn, can entice your senses and open your appetite. They are, like the gourmand notes, mostly synthetic with the exception of a few notes – Osmanthus and Blackcurrant Bud Absolute. The synthetic notes have increased the longevity of perfumes, with the natural notes lasting for about 1-2 years, and the synthetic ones last at least double the time of natural scents. Fruity perfumes are popular with the younger generation because they are breezy and playful, and are, as well as citrus notes, best worn in the summer or springtime. Some common fruity notes include apple, orange, apricot, peach, raspberry, and pear, and they make great top notes. All fruity notes have been sorted in the Fruity section for easier navigation to your favorite perfume.

Here are a few perfume note results

After you have selected the perfume note category that interests you, you will get a list of perfume notes here. These notes are actually fragrance oils, some of them natural, some of them synthetic. And they are all being used as we speak in the process of making your favorite perfumes. If the perfume with a specific list of notes is really a solid perfume, the entire mix of perfume notes is built to last and project. That can be achieved by carefully placing fragrance oils as base, mid, and top scents for the perfume. Of course, calculating the amounts for each oil very essential. We are not going to waste more of your precious time. Here are perfume notes for the selected category...